Moichi Rises To Stardom On Voice Of Vietnam

Our quaint pancake house recently transformed into a vibrant film set for the day, courtesy of VOV - the Voice of Vietnam. They captured the magic behind our renowned pancakes, from the delicate mixing of the batter to the grand finale of garnishing.

Our very own Pancake Wizard, Linh, gracefully led the cameras through the kitchen, spinning the captivating tale of our humble beginnings - from the lively streets of Harajuku to the heart of Hanoi.

But the star moment? Watching the VOV crew take their first bite of our pancakes. Their lit-up eyes and chorus of appreciation was all the confirmation we needed - our pancakes had stolen hearts yet again.

You can watch our pancake stars in action in the VOV video feature here. As we continue to pour love into our creations, we look forward to welcoming more of you into our pancake journey. At Moichi, it's always "Mou ichi, please!", because we believe every pancake adventure should start with one and leave you craving for just one more.

For more on our pancake tales, follow us on our website, Facebook, and Instagram. Who knows, your Moichi experience might be the next story we tell!